Why come to counselling?

People attend counselling for many reasons. It can be simply to create change and to develop better coping skills, or to learn how to adapt to the many challenges that we all face throughout our lives, and ultimately, it's about improving our overall happiness and a sense of wellbeing.

"contentment"  [noun]
- a state of happiness

Counselling provides you with the tools necessary to better-understand yourself and your behaviour. Counselling helps you deal with changes in your life, both big and small, and can help to reduce anxiety, stress and worry. My counselling approach encourages personal growth with an emphasis on the firm belief that we all have it in us to create change and the ability to build a better future. Therapy is a conversation, but unlike an ordinary conversation it is always honest, non-judgmental and confidential, and it’s important that you feel comfortable with your counsellor.

 I work with adults of all ages and have also gained extensive experience over many years working with school and college students. It can be a difficult journey from childhood to adulthood and many young people struggle to cope with the immense social, emotional and academic pressures they face on this journey and often find themselves feeling isolated and misunderstood. Some can find it hard to fit in and the strain of constant and varying types of peer-pressure can be extremely overwhelming. It is in situations like this where working with a counsellor and having a person to talk to can be hugely beneficial.

In my counselling sessions you will learn how to develop new skills that can help you manage your thoughts, emotions and behavioural patterns, enabling you to then deal with personal problems and issues more effectively. It's important to recognise that sometimes we can have this on-going inner-struggle between the part of us that desires change and the part of us that prefers to stay within our familiar comfort zone. Sometimes it's easy to forget that we are in-charge of 'us', we get to decide, and we are the ones who can make the choices that will enhance our future and help us work towards a sense of contentment in our lives.

If you would like to know more about the services I provide then click HERE to find out more. Or you can CONTACT ME and I will be happy to arrange a time to discuss things with you over the phone.